This piece can be associated with the imagery from Alexander Pushkin’s intro to his fairy poem Ruslan and Ludmila, where the magical Cat the Story Teller walks on the golden chain on an oak tree. The main theme (the pan flute’s ostinato) was once improvised by Alla’s younger son Kirill when he was 5 or 6 years old. Years later Alla turned it into a piece. – Pan flute, strings, muted trumpet, harp, kalimbell, percussion, drums, electronic sweep // Length 3:44, 69 bpm, 4/4
This is an ambient piece, picturing something mesmerizing, unusual… There is a feel of a miracle there. You can picture slow steps, hear drops of water, echoing strange sounds in a cavern. – Synthesizers, processed piano // Length 3:02, No signature, Slow motion
This is a dreamy electronic piece, where fantasy meets Mediterranean flavor. Think of a mirage in a desert, a fairy-tale told by princess Sheherazade. Lulling, measured rhythm of the percussion instruments and the swaying character of the accompaniment give the feeling of a mild, soothing narrative. – Synthesizers // Length 4 min, 90 bpm, 4/4
Blue tag =for a demonstration only; not for sale. A chamber piece with a dreamy and mysterious feel to it. The night is coming, the clock is ticking… The piece could be suitable for a children’s movie, a fairy-tale or a fantasy.